CWSL President and Dean Sean M. Scott Becomes Co-President of The Society of Law Teachers

California Western School of Law is proud to announce that President and Dean Sean M. Scott has assumed the role of Co-President of The Society of Law Teachers (SALT). In her new role, Dean Scott, along with co-president Professor David Thronson, will spearhead SALT’s mission of “advancing teaching excellence, social justice and diversity.”
SALT is a community of progressive law teachers, law school administrators, librarians, academic support experts, students, and affiliates, which has been working for more than 50 years to improve the legal profession. SALT has diligently pursued the causes of diversity, academic freedom, licensure reform, teaching excellence, and social justice. From its biennial teaching conference to hosting webinars on social justice issues, to co-sponsoring a diversity in law school leadership conference, and testifying before the American Bar Association on proposed changes to its standards, SALT is a fearless advocate for justice.
Dean Scott has been a member of SALT for over a decade and has served on the Board of Governors since 2016.
Dean Scott is the first African American and first female dean in the 100-year history of California Western. In just three years, Dean Scott successfully raised over $4 million dollars for the school’s Law, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity initiative, which includes an Endowed Chair, Scholars-in-Residence, and ongoing symposia which bring scholars and legal professionals to campus to share their pioneering work on social justice and civil rights with our students and the broader San Diego community.
Dean Scott will serve as SALT Co-President for a term of two years.