CWSL Professor of Law Susan Bisom-Rapp Featured at 21st International Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biagi

California Western Professor of Law Susan Bisom-Rapp traveled to Italy for the 21st International Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biagi at the University of Modena and Reggio Emelia (UNIMORE). This year's conference theme was "Social Dialogue in a Time of Societal Transformation." The conference considered how to facilitate collective bargaining and employee representation given changes in technology, climate change, and emerging work patterns.
On March 19, Professor Bisom-Rapp appeared on two panels. First, she provided commentary on a panel titled "Towards A More Inclusive Social Dialogue," which featured scholars presenting papers on how unions can better represent vulnerable workers, including those who are neurodiverse, have minority status on other bases, or are migrants. Later in the day, she spoke on the final plenary panel, which addressed the challenges and opportunities related to supporting employee representation in a changing economy.
Professor Bisom-Rapp serves on the Academic Advisory Board of UNIMORE's PhD Program in Labour, Development and Innovation and the Scientific Committee of the University's Marco Biagi Foundation. Susan Bisom-Rapp is the Dean Steven R. Smith Professor of Law and resident expert in international and comparative employment and labor law at California Western School of Law.
For more information on the conference, click here.