California Western School of Law Professor James Cooper Publishes Op-Ed in The Hill

SAN DIEGO (March 12, 2024) — James M. Cooper, Professor of Law and Director of the International Legal Studies Program at California Western School of Law, published an op-ed, “Celebrating a quarter-century of anti-bribery law,” in The Hill, which he co-wrote with hit record producer, Fernando Garibay.
In the article, Professor Cooper and Garibay detail the history of the Anti-Bribery Convention, which was ratified 25 years ago by the members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The article explains that the Convention “criminalizes corruption and ensures that those involved in these illicit activities are investigated, prosecuted and sentenced to prison.”
Professor Cooper and Garibay explain how the Convention built off “the pioneering work of the United States in this area of rule of law” and aimed to create a “level playing field in the international business environment.” The authors detail how the Convention has evolved over the last 25 years and how the “38 [OECD] member countries have signed and implemented the treaty,” alongside another “seven non-member countries.”
Professor Cooper and Garibay ultimately argue for the importance of the Anti-Bribery Convention: “Only by snuffing out corruption can the benefits of free trade, sustainable development and economic growth be enjoyed across all societies. Trust in government officials and confidence in public institutions help build a system for accessing remedies and sanctions for bad behavior. It is the backbone of the rule of law. And bribery and corruption corrode the rule of law.”
You can read the full op-ed here.