Testing Information
- JavaScript Required with your result if you’ve received testing off-campus
- Testing kits are available at the 290 and 350 security desks.
- Should you test positive you will be immediately notified. Please contact Mercedez Wallace in HR for what to do if you test positive.
- Information on the protocol for positive tests
- Upon receiving an alert about a positive test, Human Resources works to determine who was a “close contact” with this individual. A “close contact” is defined as being closer than six feet of the individual for a cumulative 15 minutes (or more) within a 24-hour period during the two days prior to that person feeling sick or testing positive.
- If you do not receive a separate email from Human Resources, you are not identified as a close contact and there is nothing more for you to do at this time. This is a courtesy notification to our school community, and a reminder to please maintain physical distance from others, wear a face covering, continue to check regularly for symptoms, and to stay home when you are ill.
- As you know, virus symptoms can range from mild to severe and could include fever, cough, shortness of breath, rash, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and pains, and temporary loss of smell or taste. Symptoms may appear in two days or as long as 10 days after exposure. Anyone experiencing symptoms should self-quarantine and contact their doctor. If anyone in your household is feeling ill, it is recommended that they separate from others in the home, wear a face mask, cover coughs and sneezes, clean hands and surfaces often, and avoid sharing personal items. It is important to monitor symptoms for potential worsening. It should be emphasized that anyone who is ill should stay home, except to get medical care.
- We recognize that this can be concerning information to receive, but please be assured that our campus is safe. We regularly clean and disinfect as per guidance from the California Department of Public Health, and we will continue to adhere to the protocols and procedures that help us minimize the spread of COVID-19.