California Western School Of Law building background


Procedure to Enter Facilities-Guests/Visitors/Vendors

California Western School of Law (CWSL) desires to ensure the overall health and safety of the campus. The purpose of this procedure is to outline required documentation, approval procedures, and documentation for all intermittent guests, visitors, and vendors (Visitors) to CWSL.

Required Attestation:

Department or Faculty hosts (Hosts) should inform visitors to fill out the following attestation form before they arrive to campus.

Assertion Form

The visitor attests that they have

  • Received Covid-19 vaccination, or;
  • Proof of a negative Covid-19 test within the last 48hours. Results from the following tests are acceptable:
    • COVID-19 Antigen Test
    • COVID PCR COVID 19 Test
  • Those needing the test can go to any local COVID-19 rapid testing center:


Hosts should notify any Visitors in advance of coming to campus of the requirements necessary to gain access. Once attestation is provided, Visitors should be met by their Host and may be permitted on campus. Visitors should sign in when arriving on campus.

If guests arrive without providing attestation, they will be denied access and should be directed to properly attest before entering campus